According to RDL 10/2020, the activity of consultants is considered essential, so we maintain our normal opening hours, but taking into account the recommendations of the health authorities, face-to-face consultations must meet certain requirements:

  1. We will only be able to attend consultations by appointment.
  2. Only one person may attend per appointment.
  3. Consultations will last 30 minutes.
  4. It is compulsory to wear a mask.
[calendarizeit aspectratio=”3″ header_left=”prev,next” header_right=”” hiddendays=”0,1,3,5,6″ weekends=”0″ firstday=”1″ feed=”0″ taxonomy=”” alldayslot=”0″ firsthour=”6″ slotminutes=”30″ mintime=”0″ maxtime=”24″ icalendar=”0″ icalendar_width=”460″ icalendar_align=”left”]

Fill in the form below to request an appointment. Once the request has been made, we will contact you to confirm the appointment. The available days are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 16:00 to 18:00.

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY

Contasult group members: